Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me and a Sale!

Well, I woke up 30 years old today and the sky did not fall in. Don't feel any different... just wiser. :)

In honor of my birthday, I am throwing a 20% off sale in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. It will run from today until Monday, August 6th. Go see if there may be something you may like. :)

I am off to take my boys to the library and then go see my other boys Tim and Kenny!

Have a great weekend.



  1. Happy Birthday! I turned 30 in April. It was not near as bad as when I turned 29! LOL Hope you have a fantabulous birthday!

    Learning 4 Keeps

  2. Happy Birthday! I'm 33 and My 30s have been A-mazing!!! :) I'm your newest follower and I also nominated you for the Liebster blogger award so please stop by my blog to pick it up! Enjoy your b-day weekend!

    Heard it Through the Gradevine

  3. Happy Birthday Meridith! Hope you have a wonderful day!
